News Reel - 8/28/24

Mom Comes Home From Work Only to Help Son Practice Football Moves

She doesn't even change clothes first because she wants to take time to practice football skills with her son in the front yard. The hard work is paying off as her son is now a starter on the team.

He Broke Into the Home of Former Boxing Champion

His life choices are already bad enough breaking into homes but add to that his choice to go inside of this boxer's home and threaten him and his wife with a knife. His face met with a great deal of punishment.

He Has Quite the Busy Schedule

This hilarious kid is interviewed by mom about what he has planned for the day. You will chuckle as you listen to him spout of his list with adult like sincerity. 

Truly Amazing Dog Alerts Owner to Medical Problem

Not only is this dog trained to know when her owners heart rate is up, it alerts her, makes her sit on the ground, then goes about retrieving medicine and other necessary items.

JustKnate Helps Another Struggling Homeless Man

JustNate is a Youtube creator and channel owner dedicated to helping the homeless. Often featured on Uplift Media he never disappoints with these heartwarming encounters.

Precious Girl with Downs is Elated When Getting Her First Invite to a Party

Armed with an infectious smile and full of joy, this amazing young lady sadly does not get many invites to birthday parties from her peers. Watch gleefully as that changed recently.


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