Uplifting Inspiration, Steve Hartman

Though not completely based on Mr. Hartman and his efforts to, as he states, "put a spotlight on kindness," Uplift Media certainly takes some inspiration and aligns perfectly in the undertaking. In fact, when searching for good news stories, his videos come up more often than any other source. They are so abundant and good that we've had to intentionally not post some in effort to keep from duplicating his efforts and relying on him solely. 

We are clearly not the only fans of him and his amazing news segment called, "On the Road with Steve Hartman" as he was recognized recently by the Canterbury School on March 6, 2024 hailing him as the "King of Kindness". The students at the school pile into the chapel area every Wednesday to watch his newest offering and simply love him like a celebrity rock star. Who better to admire and adore than a guy like that?

Hartman speaking to student at Canterbury School

Canterbury School Principal, Mike Landgraf says, "I don't think our kids can get enough about the message of kindness, right? Sometimes the world can seem pretty dark." Indeed it can and that is one of many reasons this media outlet was created to put more and more of that kind of messaging out there. If you are a newer member of Uplift, here is a reminder of our mission statement

Principal Landgraf goes on to state, "Small acts of kindness creates this ripple effect and that is what we are hoping for with our kids...to inspire them to be kind people and help change the world for the better." Hartman agrees and even confesses that kids are his primary target and motivation to produce this kind of content. He postulates that, "adults watch and go 'that's cute, that's nice' they cry a happy tear but the kids say, 'wait...I can be like this and I'm going to be like this.'"

This event included an opportunity for Steve to give a speech and then afterward receive students in a procession line, answering their questions as they came through. Uplift Media salutes Mr. Hartman for his dedication to such a worthy cause and the unique way in which he figured out how to weave it into his profession. This will likely not be the last time you view content that flows through him and over to us. But isn't that exactly how kindness spreads? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think.

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