Rescuing the Rescuer

 We all need help from someone. More often than not the people we rely on are specially qualified for the task. It could be due to education, experience, special skills, maturity, credentials & certifications, or just earned trust over a period of time. A combination of these factors come into play with Austen MacMillan and his therapist Jason Piquette as their three year relationship continues to grow strong. The two were in a session together using the family pool as part of that day's therapy exercise when the unthinkable happened. Jason went under water and did not come back up. Suddenly a twelve year old boy who relies heavily on the help of this grown man is faced with a role reversal requiring quick thinking and action for survival to be an option.

Jason & Austen sharing their story

Austen, though panicking, managed to dive under and pull Jason to the surface and move him over to the sunbathing shallows making sure the man's head stayed above water. He then exited the front gate yelling loudly, "Somebody help me!" to no avail. Realizing assistance was not coming soon, the boy returns, still screaming, this time at his therapist, "Jason! Jason! Wake up!" Instinctually recalling tv shows where CPR is performed the young man began simulating what he had seen actors do when engaged in life saving measures. Pumping his chest not only kept Jason's heart beating but it ultimately helped expel the trapped water from the lungs allowing normal breathing to resume.

By the time Austen's dad returns home and notices something is very wrong, the hard part had been accomplished and Piquette had been rescued by the kid he was supposed to be helping. Proud of their son's actions that day Christina MacMillan, the boys mom, stated "he is braver than he gives himself credit for, he's more capable than he gives himself credit for so he should be very proud of himself." The therapist who owes his life to the young man echoed mom's sentiments saying, "he's going to carry that for the rest of his life, that's he's a hero." It is still unknown why Piquette passed out while underwater but thankfully the potential tragedy had a happy ending despite the brief terror the moment caused for this now inseparable duo.

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