Generous Youtuber Adopts Boxer Medical Honors

Generous Brother Takes Care of Sister

He is starting to see some good money as his athletic star continues to rise. Rather than keep it all to himself, he decides to give his sister this amazing gift.

Youtuber Stops to Help Homeless Woman

Normally a prank channel, this You Tube content creator stops to help someone out and is overcome with emotion at how much it meant to the recipient.

Hockey Elders Adopt Special Needs Player

They noticed him practicing alone at the rink one day and invited him to join them. What ensued is a wholesome relationship benefitting all involved.

This Cheerleader Can Knock You Out

Most people see a cheerleader on the football field and don't put much thought into what other talents they may have. Mia Pinney was caught showing off one of hers as it turns out she is a Nationally recognized amateur boxer.

The Best Place to Have a Heart Attack

It sounds weird but if you are going to have a life threatening issue like this, one is very fortunate to be so close to an ER doctor and a defibrillator.

Lamar Jackson Honors One of His Smaller Fans

She held up a handmade poster letting Lamar know that she made him a friendship bracelet. He not only came to the sidelines to get it and greet her but offered her something of value in return.


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