He Returns Golden Recovery Take Capture

Standing in the Gap for His Recently Widowed Neighbor

Knowing her husband had recently passed this kind man would often go next door and tend to things in effort to help her out.

Military Dad Returns to Surprise Son

Though the son is very happy perhaps the most touching part of this video is the heartfelt reactions of his fellow classmates.

Golden Retriever's Look Forward to Her Visit

Like kids waiting for the ice cream truck these puppers have a favorite visitor they call the "Biscuit Lady" as she makes sure to hand out treats every time she passes by.

Faithful Hospital Staff Member Elated with Patient Recovery

She prayed for him everyday while he was hospitalized and in a coma. This is their reunion and celebration of his recovery.

Take the Win & Keep Your Mouth Shut

This little brother decided to insult older brother, who was letting him win at soccer. Suddenly the gracious attitude switched into full on assault-mode, teaching some much needed humility.

Gerilyn Dubay Prevents Assailant from Alluding Capture

She witnessed a state trooper become the victim of a hit and run. Knowing she needed to act fast, she followed the man, calling 911 while in pursuit to make sure he faced justice.


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