News Reel - 9/25/24

She Went Into Labor & Needed Immediate Help    

While out shopping at CVS this woman had her water break and no time to get to the hospital. Thankfully this police officer was there to help and it wasn't his first time to deliver a baby.

Cute Little Guys Says Goodbye to Mom on Doorbell Cam

Remembering that mom can see him through the door cam, this sweet little boy makes sure to make her feel special before leaving with dad.

Pre-Med Student Saves Life of Hockey Coach

Knowing that the growth on the back of his head looked cancerous, this hockey fan made sure to get this coaches attention and advise him to get looked at.

Not Your Typical First Day of School Photo

This very creative mother shot what came to be a viral photo of her child leaving for the first day of school.

Pupper Only Responds to French Accent

His name is Winston and he is a French bulldog but does not live in France. Yet somehow he must know his origins as he makes his mom call in with an accent before responding.

She Saved Her Great Grandma Who Was Trapped Under the Car

Her GG accidentally put the car in reverse instead of park causing the vehicle to run her over. This little girl got help immediately both from mom and emergency services.


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