News Reel - 9/13/24

Lost in the Woods for 12 Hours, This 7 Year Old Was Found & Rescued

Camping with her grandparents this girl was playing a game with other kids and wandered off at 8:30 PM. Soon she found herself lost and unable to find her family, enduring the entire night alone.

Baby Has Hilarious Reaction to Dad's Haircut

His dad used to have long dreadlocks but decided to cut them off and sport short hair for once. This cute kid was not happy about it.

Already Showing A Talent for Sales

This little girl spots a kitchen toy set and using very persuasive language and gestures, attempts to convince her mom to purchase this "great bargain."

Touching Reunion Will Hit You in the Feels

She was brought up with a Dominican Nanny who loved on her and taught her Spanish. Twenty five years later they run into one another at a grocery store.

Two Year Old Does Geometry

When most his age are struggling to count to 10, this young guy has been taught by his parents to take calculations much further.

He Answered a 911 Call and Went Above & Beyond to Help

The boy called the police explaining he wanted to run away. Upon arrival they saw the conditions he was living in due to being poor and figured out a way to help the family out.


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