Jimmy Darts, Mending Hearts
Every TikTok video starts out the same. A challenge is issued by Jimmy's audience that he reads aloud and accepts. These challenges are typically a way to test the kindness or tolerance levels of strangers. One example might be going down a neighborhood street knocking on doors asking to use their shower. While many otherwise kind people might still turn him down, given that he is a stranger, he always seems to find that loving person who bends over backwards for him regardless of the audacity of his request. As a reward, Darts usually gives a minimum of $500 all of which is donated to him by his audience. Call it a kindness prank of sorts but one click on his videos will send you down an endless binge-fest of his content as it restores faith in humanity with every new post. Jimmy Darts, AKA Jimmy Kellogg Often times Jimmy gets to know the people in his videos on a deeper level. They are so touched by his gesture that an outflow of trust becomes the norm and soon they are telling ...