Teens Save Drowning Kids From Icy Pond
In a world where we are glued to our cell phone screens you are lucky if people stop to help one another. At best they might use that very phone to video your emergency or predicament rather than assist. So for a couple of teens from De Moines, Iowa to stop watching TikTok due to some commotion outside, put down their phones, and go to render aid is practically a miracle and such a heartwarming assurance of our younger generation. Sisters, Jasmine Morris who is 15 and Jacora Morris who is 17 noticed some kids playing on the iced over pond behind their apartment complex. However the ice had given way and two kids ages 7 & 8 were now fighting for their lives.
Jasmine & Jacora telling their story |
"They're drowning, they're drowning?" shouted Jasmine as she and her sister dropped everything and ran to the scene to help out. Both kids were in trouble but one was actually trapped under the ice with one finger sticking through signaling for assistance. "I grabbed him by his finger and pulled him up and we got him up there. He was kind of heavy too," claims Jacora proudly to Inside Edition reporters.
By the time authorities arrived the sisters had done the hard work allowing medics to simply perform a basic check up and look for signs of frostbite and other possible weather & water related injuries. EMS Division Cheif, Doug Harms said, "Not many children would drop what they are doing (or adults) and just run out and wade into [freezing] water up to their shoulders to pull two other kids out." The sisters told Inside Edition they have learned that they have quick reaction times and to trust their gut when it comes to helping others. Whether they embrace the title or not, these two young ladies are truly heroes!
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