Please Adopt Me

 Most of the news stories covered on Uplift contain lots of detail. Peoples names, events, locations, and a full backstory. This one however, did not render much when researching and taking a deeper dive but perhaps that is ok because this narrative really could be anyone's story and even without specific details will encourage and uplift your spirits. What is known is the boy in the video is named Kowyn. He is wheelchair bound and clad in his Christmas morning PJ's holding a gift of vital importance that he wants to present to his step-dad.

As the exchange occurs the onlooking family blurts out to the receiving dad, "You have to read it out loud!" The bearded man in a White Sox hat takes a handwritten note, lets his eyes focus on the words and soon he utters the contents out-loud as requested:

"I want to thank you for always being here for me. Thank you for teaching me how to be a man like that. Thank you for always treating me like your son. You have always been a dad to me. I love you."

There is a tearful pause as the impact of the words settles in and an audible clearing of his throat as a lump is likely forming in direct proportion to the building emotions but he somehow continues...

"My big question is will you adopt me?"

Perhaps because of some trepidation on Kowyn's part thinking rejection could be possible or perhaps because these sweet words were just too overwhelming to hear out loud, soon the boy's face changed and a flood of tears began to flow. As he wheels himself closer to his step-day, reaching out for a hug, the dad says, "Well hell yeah!" kissing the boy's head gently and returning the embrace. He goes on to say, "That's the best present I've ever gotten. You understand that?" 

Kowyn seemed relieved to have his big question answered and in the way that he desired. It's never easy to deal with the idea of a birth parent no longer being around for whatever the reason might be. To then rely on someone who does not have to put ownership or love into their relationship with you only adds to the stress of the prior abandonment feelings. So for a man like this to so lovingly accept Kowyn as his own and to reassure him that its not only a YES but a BEST GIFT EVER is so wonderful and dare we say Christ-like. Jesus came that all would be saved and even the lost Gentiles (non-Jews) could be grafted in or adopted into the heavenly family. How fitting it is then that this blessed and emotional exchange occurred on Christmas. Watch the amazing video below and have your tissues ready!


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