Are You Angry & Frustrated?
I admit it. I struggle with anger and frustration on a fairly constant basis. I think most men do although I know its not relegated to just us guys alone. Part of the prevalence might be tied to the fact that its one of the only emotions apart from happiness that men are allowed to feel. Most emotions outside of these two get you made fun of with descriptions like "soft" or "pansy" being hurled your way. So we tend to embrace anger early on and maybe even use it as a one-tone expression of many other emotions like a camouflaged tarp of sorts. Doing this allows us to hide the root of the true issue and avoid the potential assault of your manliness. It gets worse, at least for me. On some level I have managed to embrace my anger and frustration as mostly justified and a badge of honor. Allow me to elaborate and invite you to introspectively decide whether or not you can relate. First off, anger in and of itself is not a sin. Verses like Ephesians 4:26 state to ...